Bentuk Kalimat Imbuhan / ed di Akhir Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

17 Sep

B.     Adding a Syliable. Answer the following question using the past tenses of the verb followed by to and another verb. Do not realese the /t/ or /d/ before to, but say the sequence /tt/ or /dt/ together (need to / ‘nidtǝ/, needed to /’niddItǝ/).

  1. When did he need to come?

(He needed to (/’niddItǝ/) to come yesterday.)

  1. What did she want to do?

(She wanted to (/’wǝntIdtǝ) experiment last week.)

  1. Where did they decide to go?

(They decided to (/’di’saidIdtǝ/) Ancol this morning.)

  1. What did she start to do?

(She started to (/’starttǝ/) survey for a place last week.)

  1. When did he expect to be there?

(He expected to (/’ek’spektIdtǝ/) to be there yesterday.)

  1. When did they intend to arrive?

(They intended to (/’in’tendIdtǝ/) arrive last night.)

  1. When did you start to learn English?

(I started to (/’starttǝ/)  learn English when I age seven years old.)

  1. Why did you want to come to the United States?

(I wanted to (/’wǝntIdtǝ) to come to the United States holiday with my family last night.)

  1. When did you decide to come here?

(I decided to (/’di’saidIdtǝ/) come here this night.)

  1. When did you need to apply for visa?

(I needed to (/’niddIdtǝ/) for visa when I get scholarship in the Boston University.)

  1. What did you hate to do when you were a child?

(I hated to (/’heittǝ/) when I were a child.)

  1. Adding a Syllable. Answer the following questions the pas tense of the verb. Don’t drop medial /t/ : started doesn’t sound the same as starred.
  2. When did you start looking for an apartement?

(I started (/t) looking for an apartement last week.)

  1. What did you advisor suggest doing?

(My advisor suggested (/t/) doing I investment securities.)

  1. What did your end up telling your advisor?

(I ended (/Id/) up telling how about a good investment to my advisor.)

  1. How did your roommate first treat you?

(My roommate first treated (/t) a good person.)

  1. Who did you visit over the weekend?

(I visited (/Id/) to village my brother and my sister over the weekend.)

  1. How did you mother sound over the phone?

(My mother sound overed (/d) push button switch the phone.)

  1. How many times did your teacher repeat the instructions?

(My teacher repeated (/Id/) the instructions ten minutes.)

  1. Who did the teacher point at?

(The teacher pointed (/Id/) at Mr. Andi)

  1. What did you avoid doing over the weekend?

(I avoided (/Id/) work doing over the weekend)

  1. How long did you attend high school?

(I attended (/Id/) high school three years.)

  1. Linking onto Vowels. Answer the following questions using the past tense of the verb and be sure to link the final /t/ or /d/ to the following word. Remember that /h/ in him and her is silent when the pronoun is linked to the preceding word.
  2. What did you talk about last night?

(I talked (/t/) about film action last night.)

  1. Who did the class laugh at?

(The class laughed (/t/) at him.)

  1. Who did the teacher stare at angrily?

(The teacher stared (/d/) at angrily her.)

  1. Which room did you walk into by mistake?

(I walked (/t/) into room empty by mistake.)

  1. Why did the teacher turn around?

(The teacher turned (/d/) around by car.)

  1. When did he ask her out?

(He asked (/t/) her out yesterday)

  1. Who did you introduce him to?

(I introduce (/t/) him to Andi.)

  1. What sport did you play in high school?

(I played (/d/) sport football in high school.)

  1. When did you hel your roommate?

(I helped (/t/) my roommate last night.)

  1. When did your father marry your mother?

(My father marryed (/d/) my mother last years.)

  1. Change the  following verb to the past tense. Write /Id/ (extra syllable), /t/, or /d/ to show how to pronounce the past tense ending. (Optional: put each word in a short sentence).
  2. Opened (/d/)
  3. Refused (/d/)
  4. Attended (/Id/)
  5. Climbed (/d/)
  6. Persuade (/d/)
  7. Preferred (/d/)
  8. Hurried (/d/)
  9. Charge (/d/)
  10. Arrived (/d/)
  11. Lasted (/t/)
  12. Correct (/Id/)
  13. Relaxed (/t/)
  14. Hopped (/t/)
  15. Enjoyed (/Id/)
  16. Related (/d/)
  17. Remembered (/d/)
  18. Controled (/d/)
  19. Ased (/d/)
  20. Pretended (/Id/)
  21. Died (/d/)
  22. Shouted (/t/)
  23. Watched (/t/)
  24. Explained (/d/)
  25. Sewed (/d/)
  26. Sliped (/t/)
  27. Exchanged (/d/)
  28. Reminded (/Id/)

28.  Huged (/d/)
Sumber : – Echols, John M and Shadily, Hassan. Kamus Inggris – Indonesia. Jakarta:
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

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